This spunky trailer invites you to share an energetic, safe ride with your pooch. The efficient and trendy design brings together the adorable little doggy, beautiful bike and proud owner. Enjoy the ride and smile away the envy of onlookers.
This, my friends, is a recipe for disaster. Spunky? Not. Trendy? I don't think so. Adorable little doggy? Okay, that's me.
Mom and dad are trying to get me used to going in and out of the trailer. They have it set up in the family room and put treats in it so that I will go in it. Of course this method works, but as soon as I get my treat, I jump out of the trailer. They also just picked me up and put me in the trailer, so I played along and sat down. The trailer is a little small - I can turn around in it, but just barely. I guess I will get used to it, but it is going to take some time. I will post some pictures when I am in my trailer and it is hooked up to mom's bike. Until then, I will be home, hanging out with my trailer while mom and dad ride into the sunset.
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