So you may be asking yourself what has Stubby been doing and I can tell you in one word - LOTS! Where do I start? Some of you may remember that Mom ordered a rain barrel from the forest preserve district way back in February. Dad picked it up a couple of weeks ago and we worked on getting it hooked up last weekend. Mom thought it would be a good idea for me to autograph the concrete pad that the rain barrel will sit on and I was up for the challenge.
Dad was very careful not to press down too hard with my paw because he knows that I am very delicate. After I left my paw print, Dad wrote my name next to it and we left it to dry.
Mission accomplished! I was now on to my next project which was planting flowers. I really only agreed to help plant them because I like to pee on them. Don't tell Mom because she doesn't think my pee makes the flowers grow, but I know better.
I couldn't go to the store to pick out the flowers, so I told Mom exactly what I wanted and surprisingly enough she bought everything on my list. I love the color yellow because it is a happy color and I wanted a container full of these pretty yellow flowers at the edge of the patio so that I can see them as soon as I walk out the back door. Mom loves yellow too and we are probably the only house on the block with a yellow dining room. Dad calls it safety helmet yellow but Mom and I know that it is mellow yellow.
I needed other colors besides yellow in my flower containers, so I put this arrangement of orange, purple, and white next to the back stoop. Do you see how high that stoop is? Okay, maybe it's not that high but I can't jump up it anymore. I have to wait on the patio until someone comes and picks me up to take me inside, and I wanted something pretty to look at while I wait.
I sometimes go out the front door and I wanted my special dog planter that sits on the front stoop to be filled with red, white, and blue flowers. I hope these flowers grow big by the 4th of July so that all our party guests will like them.
Dad and I finished installing the rain barrel this week and it looks really cool. Dad had to build a wooden table for it so that you can put the watering can under the spout. Now all we need is some rain and we will be good to go. Mom is so excited that she won't have to use tap water to water the flowers, clean and fill the bird bath, and wash her car. Um, wash her car? Mom doesn't wash her car. I think she means so that Dad won't have to use tap water to wash her car.
First of all- my moms are sending you big kisses.
Now- my turn. I love the rain barrell. If we had one- we need 50 i think. We get sooo much rain, but for 2 weeks now it is dry. How cool to put your little paw on the "design forever"- that is smart.
And love all your flowers. I like all those colors too.
Thank you for all the tips you give and have a wonderful vacation.
OMG, Stubby, I am so jealous that you have your own personal Hollywood Walk of Fame pawprint!!! You look like you're TOTALLY into this project!
Mom totally wants a rain barrel too...but I think our HOA puts the kibosh on them. Bummer!
We're still waiting for our tote bag, but will do some pics when we get it.
Have a GREAT time at Barkwells and make sure you take good notes for me so I can get mom and dad to make a reservation! Can't wait to see you on Saturday, dude!!!
Stubby! Oh my goodness, I totally forgot you were leaving for your vacation today! YAAAAAY!
I hope you have SOOO much fun! Take pictures for us, ok?!!?
StubsPug, this here is your good Pal Howie Pee. I am real impressed you got to sign your work with your paw like that. Did you leave some sprinkles later when your maw wasn't looking?
H. Pee
Wow, what a famous Pug you are. The flowers are pretty; great job picking them out. I'm so excited to see you Saturday! Have a great vacation! I showed Mommy the Barkwells website, and she was so impressed that she said we can go sometime too. Yea!
hi stubby!
oh those pictures of you leaving your paw print are soooo cute!
have a wonderful time on your vacation!
we will miss you and cannot wait to hear all about it. you all deserve a relaxing vacation after doing all those wonderful things!
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