Stubby, another new pug I have met, a sweet senior who reminds mom of Muffie & Bridget, the pugs who came before.
Isn't that sweet? I have never been called a sweet senior before but I kind of like it. I also like that I remind Roxy's mom of the pugs she had before she got Roxy and Lucky. Ahh, shucks, little ole me? Thanks for the award Roxy and thanks for being my new pal!
This award was created to honor blogs that are super sweet and now I have to pass this award onto 3 blogs that I think are sweet. It was a really hard decision, but have chosen three bloggers (not necessarily individual blogs) that I think are the sweetest ones around. They are as follows and aren't in any particular order:
Melissa & Emmitt are two of the sweetest bloggers I have met. Emmitt was so gracious to host the now infamous PartyPalooza last month and it is still the talk of the Internet. Always going out of his way to make everyone feel welcome, Emmitt personifies sweetness in everything he does. Emmitt's mom Melissa makes beautiful artwork and somehow even finds time to crochet squares for children in need. Her sweetness is spread all over the world through her artwork.
I finally got to meet my good pal Apollo in person last week. What can I say about this guy except that he is the bomb! From the moment I met him, I knew we would be pals. His mom Jami gave me so many kisses and now I know where Apollo gets his sweetness from. This guy is one tough cookie on the outside, but a real sweetheart on the inside.
Some of you may think that Howie Pee Pugpants isn't sweet, but I can tell you that he is the epitome of sweet! He loves his little sisters to death and is always looking out for them. He helps his mom around the house and that is more than I can say for most of us puggies. Howie likes to act all rough and tough, but when he wants to, he will show his sweet side.
Hi Stubby! We are glad you are happy with your award. Mom says she will post a photo of Muffie and Bridget so you can see them for yourself.
Thanks for also saying I am petite. I am not, really. I am rather tall. Lucky is petite. She weighs 12.1 pounds and she is shorter than me. So she is tiny.
Ps mom loves the floating lights
Hi Roxy! I can't wait to see Muffie and Bridget. I am the first pug for Mom, but she has wanted one forever.
I weigh about 22.5 pounds, but it's mostly winter weight, I swear. I'm not really tall like you, so I'm probably on the short side like Lucky. My weight doesn't bother me, but I have never been called perfect by my vet - fooey!
I'm glad your mom loves the floating lights. Mom can only take so much stuff on her trip, so the lights may have to stay home.
Stubby xoxo
oH Stubby
Congratualtions on your award, and also what you said about those that you are sharring your award with was so sweet. You have a wonderful way of speaking- where I just get speechless,
I am glad we are friends,
Tweedles - Thanks for the nice compliment! You say the nicest things too and they brighten up my day. I too am glad that we are friends because you can never have too many friends.
Stubby xoxo
Stubby, I am not surprised that you got that Sweetness award! You are sweet as sugar!!
You gave it to some really sweet pups, too.
I hope you have a great and relaxing weekend!!
hi stubby!
oh we are so honored we cannot even tell you!
you have absolutely made our whole day!
and you are so right! Apollo is the bomb for sure! we love him! and howie is the sweetest puggy ever. he ain't foolin' no one. :)
m & e
Stuby, congrats on teh award, you deserve it. We're sorry we missed you at meet up last weekend. We were in Kenturcky at Pugapalozza with the Pug Posse. But I'm sure Salinger was a gracious host. Hopefully the rest of us will get the chance to meet you too.
Hey Pearly Poo - I'm sweet but you're sweeter! I am taking the weekend off and I told Mom not to disturb me or else!
Hope you have a great weekend too!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Melissa & Emmitt - I'm so glad that you picked up your award! You guys really deserve it and I'm sure you will find others very deserving of it too!
Stubby xoxo
Hi jsanders73 - Thanks for stopping by. I heard that you guys had a great time at Pugapalooza last weekend. I'm sure I'll be back in Indy sometime soon, so we can meet then.
Salinger was THE perfect host, just like we knew he would be. I liked hanging out with him so much that I wanted to stay, but Mom told me that we had to go home. I had a really great time!
Stubby xoxo
Stubby, congrats on the awards! Can't believe we didn't find your blog sooner! Nice to have a more distinguished gentlemen blogging too!
StubbyPug, this here is your pal Howie Pee, and I apreciate this award. Annie got one from Coco and she has been bragging about it all day. I can't wait to tell her I got a better one!
StubbyDude, this here is your good pal Howie. I am enjoyin all that turtle stuff you were writing. But I am here to tell yew I wrote about yew and the award yew gave me on my blog today. Wander over, k?
Your buddy,
H. Pee
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