The follow story is from MSNBC. Watch the video too to see what they have to say about Dexter and pug owners.
Three years ago, Doreen Houseman and her fiancé, Eric Dare, broke up. Though they’ve settled many issues from their life together, a big question remains: Who gets their pug, Dexter?
This question may be changing New Jersey law.
On Wednesday, the former couple faced each other in court for the third time, both hoping to get permanent custody of the now 6-year-old pug.
The fight began after an agreement to share custody of Dexter soured when Houseman started dating again, and Dare, a Williamstown, N.J., police officer, refused to let her see the dog, according to WCAU in Philadelphia.
So Houseman took him to court in what would be a years-long battle that would cost each party $20,000 in attorneys' fees.
In 2007, Judge John Tomasello ruled that Dare, 36, would get to keep the dog and would pay Houseman $1,500, the cost of the pug. This decision may have come from the fact that Dare purchased the dog, paid the veterinary bills and was in possession of Dexter, WCAU reported.
"Dogs are chairs; they're furniture
Houseman, 35, filed an appeal and was victorious in March, when three appeals judges disagreed with Tomasello’s ruling. Tomasello "should not have treated Dexter like another piece of furniture" and should have considered the subjective value, the judges stated.
It was a "landmark decision" regarding pet custody cases, said Gina Calogero, Houseman's lawyer.
The case went back to Tomasello.
Both parties deliveried their testimony before Tomasello on Wednesday. According to the Philadelphia Inquirer, the judge appeared annoyed at times, rolling his eyes and cutting short answers.
After hearing from the former couple, Tomasello ruled that Dexter was joint property because the couple had lived together and cared for him together, according to the Inquirer. But he did not decide the big issue — who would get Dexter.
The judge asked attorneys for both to file additional briefs and said he wanted to hear ideas on who should get the pug, the Inquirer reported.
"You both love the dog enough, and I look forward to hearing" suggestions, the judge said.
Hi Stubby! I am here, I have been reading your blog, I just didn't post a comment because I was feeling lazy! Thank you for sharing this story. How sad that they can't get to agree on who will get Dexter. I hope he goes with the person that will care for him the most!. And don't let me started on that judge. how stooopid that man is!! He should be charged for pugscrimination!!
Have a nice weekend!
Wow...what a story!
Mom already told dad that she gets me if he ever does anything stupid that makes her want to leave. I think dad might forget to feed me.
Hi Stubby
How dare that judge say we are like furniture! I think we should start march and protest his words.
I agree with Coco- pugscimination.
That is so sad. Poor Dexter.
Sure makes ya wonder who has a screw loose here!
Hi Coco! I know you are here don't worry. I'm glad you stopped by to read about Dexter. I hope his parents get joint custody because they both love him.
That judge should lose his job. Pugscrimination is right!
Stubby xoxo
Salinger dude! I knew that you would go with your mom if anything happened. She would never forget to feed you.
Mom thinks I would go with her but between you and me, I would go with Dad because he feeds me meet. Shhh, don't tell Mom.
Stubby xoxo
Hi Tweedles! I was so mad about the furniture comment too. I am not furniture - I am a baby! I think we should march and protest too.
I hope that poor Dexter is still getting all the love he needs. Poor guy - maybe he can come live with me.
Stubby xoxo
Oh Stubby, poor Dexter!! What a sad situation.. and what a STUPID judge.
On the up-side, this story made me think about how many people could care less about their animals. So many pets get mistreated and displaced in divorces... at least they BOTH want him! :)
Hey Pearlie Poo! You are so right that so many people don't care about their pets and at least both of these people love Dexter. I just hope they come to a decision soon so poor Dexter can get on with his life. That judge should get fired!
Stubby xoxo
Judges like him are the reason that nothng happens in cases like Bailey's. They think we are furniture and only worth what mommas and daddy's pay for us. Hopwfully, Dexter's case will help change things!!! Thank you so much for sharing.
hi stubby!
oh what a story! i read this too and just wished that both parents would just stop and listen to each other for a minute so that they could hear that they both love dexter.
i know that is what dexter is saying!
Hi Lilo! I hope Dexter's case does change things because we are not furniture! The nerve of that dumb judge. I bet he's never even met Dexter or any other pug for that matter. He apparently doesn't like dogs and that is a bad thing.
Stubby xoxo
Hi Melissa & Emmitt! I so wish we could hear Dexter's side of the story but we all know that is impossible. I hope that they reach a conclusion soon and that they both get visitation rights.
Stubby xoxo
I am truly an animal lover, but I feel people who dress up their dogs and talk to them like they will speak English back to them are a little 'over the top'. Perhaps they are compensating for a lack of children or life, pick one. This judge had REAL issues to contend with, like children who may not have a place to sleep. So to put it into context, who gets the dog should be a personal resolution, not a court ordered one. Too bad the plaintiffs aren't emotionally mature enough to figure that out on their own--not to mention the amount of money and time they've wasted in the court system.
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