We had a steady stream of trick-or-treaters yesterday, but we still have lots of leftover candy. Since Mom doesn't like the candy and shouldn't be eating it anyway, what is she going to do with it? I can't eat candy and Dad started a 'lifestyle' program last week so he can't eat it. Hmmm. Someone must want it.
Instead of taking leftover candy to work or using it in baked goodies, I found several places that would happily take candy off your hands.
Most shelters, food banks, and soup kitchens would welcome your candy. Shelters always have kids in them that would love to have candy. Getting candy can really make a kid's day. Food banks are places where people come to get food if they can't afford to go to the store to buy it. While people go to food banks to get essential items, picking up a little candy will make not only the kids who are going to receive it happy, but also the parents who will be giving it to them. Soup kitchens provide meals to those in need and having a little candy for dessert is sure to make everyone's day.
Do you live near a Ronald McDonald House? No, not the restaurant, the charity. There are Ronald McDonald House Charities all over the world that provide housing for parents of children staying in nearby hospitals. They would love to have your candy, but please contact them for any candy restrictions before dropping your goodies off. You can visit http://www.rmhc.org/ for more information.
There are so many courageous men and women serving in the armed forces in places far away from home. They are in situations that none of us could ever imagine and having a candy treat from home would be something they would surely appreciate. They also give candy to the children they meet on the streets as these children probably never get any sweet treats. Operation Shoebox is the organization which sends care packages and letters to U.S. troops stationed abroad and they welcome your candy with open arms. Due to the fact that the candy will travel long distances to warm climates, hard and heat-resistant candies are the best to send to them. Check out http://www.operationshoebox.com/ for packing and mailing information. You can even get free flat-rate Priority Mail boxes from the post office to send your treats in.
Even if you don't have enough leftover candy to warrant a trip to a shelter, food bank, etc., I'm sure you have friends and neighbors who are in the same situation you are. Combine all your candy and you've got enough to really make a difference. A difference in someone's life who might not otherwise get a sweet treat. A difference that will make their day and make yours as well.
We would like to thank you Stubby for this great post...we had zero trick or treaters yesterday and have 2 bags of candy to give away. This year will be donating to our church's food drive with out other normal canned food donations thanks for the idea!
Good ideas Stubby!
There are a few dentist offices around here that will pay $1 a pound for candy and then they ship it over to soldiers overseas!
We thought it was a genius idea for kids to make some money, save their teeth and brighten a soldier's day!
Hope you had fun at the bonfire and got some good eats!
Mom said to tell you that she was a little surprised to find out that your mom was one of the crazy raisin ladies. Even a health freak like mom knows that raisins are LAME for Halloween! HAHAHAHAHAA!
Thank you Stubby for the tips.
If we HAD any candy- we would donate it.
Out here in the wildeness - no kids came to trick or treat.
Hi Sequoia & Petunia! Zero trick-or-treaters? What happened? Was the weather bad? Did you guys scare all the trick-or-treaters away?
I'm so glad you're going to donate your candy to your church's food drive. It will make some kids very happy.
Stubby xoxo
Hey Salinger! That's so cool that the dentist offices do that. What a great idea!
I was disappointed in Mom too with the raisins. I think she was a little out of her mind when she was shopping. Maybe she hadn't taken her medication. I really can't explain it but I'm glad that she didn't hand it out. That would have been so embarassing!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Tweedles! There are plus and minuses of living in the wilderness. Maybe one day and you can come to my house and help me pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters.
Stubby xoxo
hi stubby!
oh you and your mom are so smart and caring!
we only had a bout 3 kids come this year so we have lots to share.
thank you for the info!
m & e
Hi Melissa & Emmitt! I bet the snow scared all the kids away. Too bad you only got 3 trick-or-treaters because I'm sure all the kids would have loved Emmitt in his costume.
Stubby xoxo
I didn't have any leftover Halloween candy because I didn't have to buy any. The kids don't come to our building, which is good since I'm on the third floor and wouldn't like (though the exercise would be good) running up and down three flights of stairs the whole evening!
Hi dw! Lucky you to not have leftover candy. I told Mom to buy some candy that I could eat but she told me that candy isn't for puggies. Whatever.
Stubby xoxo
hi stubby!
i would love to send you something. can you email me your address at pugnotes at aol.com
when you get a chance. :)
Hi Emmitt! Something for me? Oh, how exciting! I'll send you my address tonight.
Stubby xoxo
Thanks for the post Stubby, great ideas what to do with all our leftover candy. Mom bought chocolate, so we can't eat it. She is sharing your idea with everyone she knows who talks about all their leftover candy.
Lots of Licks--
Oak and Swish
Hi Oakley & Swisher! I'm so glad you guys stopped by to read this post. I'm glad your mom is sharing these ideas with people she knows because no one wants all that chocolate in their house.
Stubby xoxo
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