Okay, so here are the terms of the award:
1. Publish a post on your blog referring who awarded you
2. Share 5 things you like to do
3. Share or pass this award to 10 friends
The five things I like to do:
1. Eat
2. Sleep
3. Eat
4. Sleep
5. Ride in the car
Is anypug surprised by my list? I think not! I guess I'm a little boring or maybe I should say predictable in my old age but what can I say. I like what I like and that's who I am!
There is no way I could pick 10 friends to pass this award to, so I want everypug to have it. If you're reading this post then grab the award - it's yours! Keep the circle of friends going by inviting new friends into the circle. The more the merrier!
Stubby my 5 fave things would be very similar to yours- except I HATE riding in the car! No matter where we are going, I am sure it's the vet and I shake! :(
I hope you have a perfect weekend! Stay warm, sweet boy!!
Hi Pearly Poo! I can't believe you don't like car rides. I guess I don't think about going to the vet when I get in the car because I'm too caught up in the action. I shake and wiggle but that's just because I'm excited.
I'm sure you'd love riding in the car if I were driving. With the top down and the wind blowing our cute button ears, we would be on the road to nowhere. Vroom, vroom!
Stubby xoxo
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