I also met some new pugs at the party. I didn't get everypug's name but I spent a lot of time with one pug family in particular. Josie, Izzy, & Anakin along with their parents Katy and Rob drove a long way to get to the ValenPug party and I'm sure glad they did. All us pugs hit it off right away but Josie and I formed a special bond because we are both slow movers. Over this past month I've been emailed Josie and we've gotten to know each other pretty good so this past Sunday I paid her a visit.

Josie is a recycled pug. She came to her forever family from Northern Illinois Pug Rescue and Adoption. Even though she's blind and deaf, she still has many years left in her. Isn't she pretty?

Of course I had to make the rounds and get pets from everyone. I think Josie's dad Rob approved of me because he gave me lots of pets.

When it came time to go outside for a potty break, Josie had to take her dress off. It snowed here on Saturday and even though most of the snow had melted, it was very muddy. I asked Mom to get a couple more pictures of Josie in her pretty dress before we headed to the backyard.

In between hanging out, Mom showed Josie's mom how to start a blog. After we left, all the pugs and people worked on the blog and then emailed me the link. Yeah! Another pug blogger! Please visit Josie, Anakin and Izzy at their blog Those Elgin Pugs. They've been reading some of your blogs for the past month and can't wait to meet you!
I had such a great time visiting with Josie that I can't wait until we can get together again. I don't know when that will be but soon (hopefully) the weather will stay nice and we can play outside. I'm even going to invite Josie to my house so we can play in my yard and maybe even go to Popeyes. I know you might think that Popeyes is not an appropriate place to take a date but believe me, if Stubby loves Popeyes then Josie does too!
Stubby, Josie is just a DOLL!
I approve of this relationship, as long as you continue to be one of my boyfriends too.
She looked sooo pretty in that dress! I MUST get one!
I am so glad you made these new friends. I will run right over to their bloggie and say hi!!!
Pearly Poo
Hi Pearly Poo! I just knew you'd love Josie and I'm so happy your approve of our relationship. I'll always be one of your boyfriends Pearly, don't you worry.
You would look simply divine in Josie's dress. Her momma didn't make it but she got it from a friend. I'll have to find out where it came from and get you the info.
Stubby xoxo
That looked like so much fun! I loved the dress! Very cute pictures! I'll jump over to your friends blog now!
Stubbs, you are the MAN!
You look soooo happy just to be in the same room with Josie. Both of you are very lucky to live in the same state.
And I'm sure Izzy was just jealous of your love for Josie. I totally would be. Uh, if I were a girl.
I had so much fun My Studly Stubby Man. I am so glad your Mommy and Daddy brought you over to see little 'ol me. You have such nice parents. Your friend Pearl seems nice too. I would totally let her borrow my dress. My Auntie T.T. got it for me. Mommy will ask her. I can't wait until our Popeyes Date. Bye Bye for now My Stubby.
Your Josie Girl
Hey Stubbs whats up. It's the Princess Iz. I just wanted to say hey.
Whats up Man. I had fun hanging with you. I'm glad I have a new friend. Hey...Puglet said you may know some cute Puggies since Sequoia lives in VA?
Oh Stubby you have such a great little girlfriend there! And she has a cute family. We are going to go visit there blog later. Well Sequoia really wants to go visit it! And if Winston wasn't around Stubby Josie would have to keep her eyes on you around me!
Hi Stubby!
Your new girlfriend is very sexy!
Blind and deaf dogs know how to
party like no other, so be careful.
Penny and I loved the dress
Josie was wearing too!
We hope you have a great week!
-Dana & Penny
Josie is darling! Bless her heart! So glad she found such a wonderful forever home and it looks like she may have found a new boyfriend too!
Great post!
Riley and Star.
Hi Stubby, I think you and Josie make a stunning couple. I can see the sparks between you. I am going to check out those Elgin pugs. I think that Anakin is real handsome.And Izzy,she seems like me...HBIC
Stubby, your cute little gray face makes mom think that's what I'm gonna look like. I tolds her I want to go to the salon and have my roots touched up.
Josie is so sweet. Of course she loves ya Stubbs! What's not to love?
If we had our own private jet we'd love to come out for a Pug play date.
Aww how sweet Stubby! Sounds like you had a wonderful visit!!
Oh Stubby, I'm so glad you've kept in touch with the Elgin pugs! They and their people were very nice when we met them at the Valenpug party. It sounds like you had a great visit!!
Hey Stubby! Your blog is pretty cool. I saw you on Puglet's blog too! My mom started one about me and my sister Natty, but she hasn't let us write our own entries yet. What's up with that? P.S. My sister Natty is an NIPRA pug too! I wonder if she ever met Josie? Maybe we'll see you at a pug party sometime!
Your buddy,
Hi Deborah! We did have lots of fun playing together. Sometimes I wish I had pugs for neighbors but then I think that all that playing would interfere with my napping.
I'm so glad you stopped by Josie's blog to say hi. She will be thrilled to have another friend.
Stubby xoxo
Hi Puglet! I'm the MAN? Really? That's so cool!
I was so totally happy to be in the same room with Josie. I sure wish you and Jenny lived in the same state but I'm sure you guys can do the long distance thing.
I think Izzy was jealous too. But you're not jealous because we are BPF's!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Josie, Izzy & Anakin! I had a super terrific time hanging out with you guys. I can't wait until we go to Popeyes - yeah!
I think Anakin should stick it out with Sequoia because she's so pretty. If it doesn't work out then we'll see if Gen is available. Anakin met Gen at the ValenPug party.
Stubby xoxo
Hi Tuni! I sure hope Sequoia likes Anakin because he's super cool. He is mellow and very huggable.
I never knew you felt that way before Tuni. I have a real sweet spot for you too because you're sweet just like me. Ah, shucks. You made me blush!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Dana & Penny! I'm finding out that blind & deaf dogs really know how to party. Maybe Penny would like to hang out with Josie and show her how to get whipped cream from her parents.
I think Penny would look very sexy in Josie's dress. Not that Penny doesn't look sexy all on her own!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Riley & Star! I'm so glad you guys like Josie. I think with her little dress she could compete on "Dancing with Star". Even though she's slow she told me she does a fierce waltz!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Wilma! Thanks for the compliment. I think Josie and I make a great couple too and I can't wait to see her again.
Thanks for stopping by their blog. They are so excited to be making new friends.
Stubby xoxo
Hi Gunther! That would be so cool if you looked like me when you got older. I kinda like my gray mug because it makes me look distinguished.
I sure wish you had a private jet too because I would love to hang out with you. We would really tear up the town!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Lex! Josie and I did have a wonderful time. It's so cool to have such a sweet girlfriend that lives close by. I just hope I can visit her all the time
Stubby xoxo
Hi dw! I'm so glad you remembered the Elgin pugs. They are super cool and their parents are so sweet. When you need your pug fix just come on by!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Klaus! It's so nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping by. Any friend of Puglets is a friend of mine!
Isn't it great to have a bloggie? It took me years to talk Mom into letting me have one but she only lets me post about myself about once a week. It doesn't really bother me because I have so many other things to discuss.
Stubby xoxo
Hi Stubby
Look at you sitting there with your new friend.
Josie is adorable in her little pink dress.
I can see you two have already become soul mates.
Thank you for telling us about your new friends,
I am gonna go say hi
Hi Tweedles! Josie and her family are so nice. I love making new friends and I know you do too. I'm so glad you stopped by Josie's blog to say hi. I'm sure Josie would like to ride in your magic bubble one day.
Stubby xoxo
hi stubby!
oh we love your new friends! their blog is wonderful and it is so fun to meet new friends!
thank you for introducing us and for sharing your wonderful day together!
m & e
Josie is quite the Puggy Cougar! You're a lucky Pug, Stubby! Just make sure not to take off her dress at Popeyes on that first date of yours...
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