I was so excited to go to the Easter egg hunt yesterday that I forgot to be excited. I love riding in the car and am usually, as Mom puts it a spaz, but I was so excited I was calm. Weird huh? The egg hunt was a rainy disaster but Josie was there and that's all that mattered.
Mom wouldn't put my window down in the car because it was raining. I thought maybe the rain would let up by the time we arrived at the egg hunt, but in the back of my mind I think I knew that the rain was going to dampen the day's activities so I chilled out in the car until we arrived.
Despite the downpour, there were lots of dogs ready to hunt for eggs. Shortly after we arrived, Josie and her mom drove up. All of us were standing in the rain and then huddled in an empty storefront before we made our way to the egg hunt area. By the time we got there, the hunt was over. Over? No treats, no eggs, no nothing. I was only a tiny bit disappointed that I didn't get anything but then Josie's mom suggested we go back to her house and I was on cloud nine.
I think this picture says it all. Josie is one hot chick and a great hostess as well. Anakin and Izzy didn't go to the egg hunt so when we got to their house they were crazy excited to see me. And I was a little freaked out by their welcome. I kept telling them to chill out but they didn't listen to me. They were finally summoned to the dining room where the gate was closed behind them. A little time out never hurt any pug.
Josie and I were both happy to be alone at last. We talked about our bloggies and about what we have been up to lately. We also talked about taking a road trip but I can't tell you where we are going. Somethings are secret.
Our alone time didn't last for long and soon Anakin and Izzy reappeared. Izzy had to be contained via her leash and all her craziness freaked me out. I tried to hide between Mom and Dad because I was scared. I remember what happened last time I visited and I didn't want it to happen again. I really think Izzy needs some medication so she can chill out.
Josie's birthday is tomorrow, so I brought her a little gift. Can you guys see what it is? It's a little pig. Josie totally loved it and of course Izzy and Anakin were jealous. Mom says I should have brought gifts for them too but I her reminded her that the gift was for Josie's birthday. She reminded me that I didn't get Izzy a birthday gift, but I turned a deaf ear to all her babbling and went back to talking with Josie.
Josie loved the little pig so much she decided to take a nap on it. Doesn't she look cute resting her head on it? A little pig pillow! She's so sweet!
Crazy Izzy totally loves me. She just can't get enough of me but I told her to keep her distance. I let her come close to me for only a second because she's just too crazy for me. I sure hope The Bean likes all that craziness.
Anakin is such a cool dude. He hung out with Dad for quite some time and Dad said that Anakin reminds him of me when I was younger. I can see the resemblance. We are both good looking dudes.
Stubby it looks like you and Josie really clicked. She is so adorables sleeping on her piggy you gave her. We hope you have a great Easter...and peepes are yummy!
Sequoia and Tuni
Happy Easter, Stubby!
Sorry the egg hunt was a bust, but at least you had a great time with Josie and her sibs!
You two make a cute couple! :)
Sarah, Hank and Molly
Happy Easter My Stubby Bunny!!!
Mommy finally let me on 'puter!!! We are getting ready for Grandma and Grandpaws. I HAD A WONDERFUL DATE YESTERDAY!!!! WONDERFUL!!!! I was so excited to see your bloggy this afternoon! I immediately called my Mommy and Daddy to show them. Guess whats Stubby! I slept with my Little Piggie last night. I love my little piggie!!! Thank you Stubby! I CAN'T WAIT for our date on friday!!!! I am so super excited!!!
Your Mommy and Daddy are so nice for getting you Popeyes today! I already miss yous. Have a good day!!!
Big hugs and kisses,
Your Josie Girl
Happy Easter Dude!!!
Your GirlPugFriend is a total hottie! I would want one just like her if I were into chicks.
Speaking of chicks...how was that Peep thing???
Sorry to hear about the egg hunt Stubby. It's probably good you guys didn't find any eggs 'cause they give you gnarly farts. Josie might have gotten offended and all. Glad you got to chill back at Josie's pad.
Happy Easter!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Oh STubby, it is very sad that your egg hunt got rained out! I'm glad you still got to see your girlfriend though. We don't know what Easter is, but it sure seems like the humans are making a big fuss. Whatevers. Mom says that when our yard isn't all swampy anymore, everypug will be invited for a playdate! We hope it's soon (and so does she!)
Gen & the Foo
Hey Stubbs!
Joise is one HOT CHICK!!! And I'm sure she's super smart and uber sweet too.
Have some Popeyes for me. All I got today was a brussels sprout and a Peep.
You are a lucky pug!!! PEEPS are the BEST!!! I got to share some with the momma today!! We had pink chicks!! Glad your date went well.
Hope you had a Happy Easter!!
Happy Easter! Cute little pig also and it makes a great birthday gift!!!
Have Fun!
I would have to say that you and Josie are a hot couple. Yup that is true pug luv. I totally know what you means when being confronted by crazy puggers. I get that at our pug meet up. Sometimes there are pugs that just don't know how to chill! You and me.... we are totally laid back puggers. Mum says if I was anymore laid back I would slip into a coma. BOL. You must post all about Josie's visit.
Hi Stubby
Your little date with Josie sounded like it was going to be awsome- until you found out there was no treats to be found,.
So I was happy to hear that you and Josie got to hang out together,.
The little pig you got for the birthday gift is adorable.
Yes we can tell she loved it, and it made into a great little pillow
You certainly are a hot chick. I hope you didn't eat too many chocies - not good for a little puggie.
That sure was nice of you Stubby, to get her a pretty pink pig that matches her pretty pink dresses. I think you two make a great Puggy couple! I'm sorry to hear about not making the Easter egg hunt, but it sounds like the after party sure made up for it.
Sweet Stubby,
Your date with Josie sounds wonderful! What a great gift you gave her- you are such a gentleman! A gentlepug!
I hope you enjoyed your Popeye's!
Hi Stubby!
Penny and I hope you had a great Easter!
Josie is one sexy pug! Her shirt
is great! I need to get
Penny one. Glad you
had a great time
with your
-Dana & Penny
Stubby, I'm sorry you missed the Easter egg hunt, but I'm sure glad you got to see Josie! And got some cool Easter goodies! And have an upcoming date! Sounds like an awesome day!
It sounds like you had an awesome easter! And I love that pink pig you bought Josie!!
hi stubby!
oh what a fabulous easter day!
you all look so cute together!
josie is one lucky puggy i tell ya!
m & e
Stubby; How sweet of you to get Josie a gift for her birthday. Glad you got together with your new pals.
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