By now you all know that my girlfriend Pearly Poo had emergency surgery this morning to fix her bladder. I could not believe my eyes when I read about her situation this morning on Harry's blog. I could not stop crying and I told Mom that I had to get to Oklahoma right away so that I could nurse Pearl back to health. Mom, for once, agreed that I had to go, so I am heading out right now for Oklahoma.
Mom even let me take her car. Can you believe it? I will be flying to Oklahoma with the wind between my ears. But I can't show up to Pearl's house empty handed can I? Heck no! Let's see. What would I want to eat if I just got out of surgery and was starvin like Marvin? What else? Popeye's!
I think a 10-piece will be a good start, don't you think? I am off to the drive-thru right now to pick it up. I'm going to have them put the chicken in the truck so that I don't get tempted to eat it while I'm driving. I hope Mom doesn't mind her car smelling like chicken and pug.
Rudy desperately wanted to come with but Mom said absolutely not. I told him all about Pearl and he said that he had a medical background and that he could help. He could also help with the driving and of course he really wants to get out of the house. I don't think he's ever been on a roadrip, but I guess he'll just have to wait for me at home.
Mapquest says it's going to take me almost 13 hours to get to Pearl's house, but this time is based on people driving, not pugs. I am going to put the pedal to the metal and haul you-know-what. By my calculations I should be there a little after midnight. If Pearl is asleep when I get there, I'll just sit back and count the stars in the sky knowing that the brighest star in my eyes is well on her way to a full recovery. I'm on my way Pearly Poo!
Stubby, I'm on my way, too! See (sniff in my case) you there! I got word that Pearly is home already.
PS would you give me one piece of chicken in exchange of a hamburger? The chicken seem to be delicious!
PSS is your mom on facebook? If so, tell her to send us an email!
Hi Coco! I'm so glad you're on your way too because Pearl will need all of us there to nurse her back to health.
Of course you can have a piece of chicken in exchange for a hamburger. I knew I should have gotten more chicken, but I'll just have to stop while I'm on the road.
Stubby xoxo
Pee-s: Mom is not on Facebook, but you can her at: turtlebabe113 at
That chicken dinner will make you a star houseguest, you loveable perfect creature you!
Hi Heather & Emmitt! I'm so glad you stopped by. If you want some chicken, I'll drop some off by you too. It's as delicious as it looks.
Stubby xoxo
StubbyDude, this here is Howie. That um fried chicken looks awful good *puddle of drool forms at floor by howie's feet* Are you sure you don't want to swing by Dallas and pick me up so I can hold the bucket for you? We wouldn't want it to fly outta the car halfway there or nothin.
your thoughtful pal,
Pee Man
Stubby, this post made me laugh AND cry! THANK YOU for being so sweet to me! I LOVE POPEYE'S!!
PS Momma just posted an update on my bloggy!!!
hi stubby!
oh you are such a good friend! pearly will be better in no time with you there! give her a big hug from us!
m & e
Hi Howie! I can definitely swing by Dallas to pick you up on my way to Pearl's house. I know how much you love fried chicken, so I think we'll need to stop and get more. We don't want to show up at Pearl's place with an empty box, now do we?
Stubby xoxo
Hi Pearly Poo! I'm so glad that you're feeling better. The Popeye's will be just what you need to get back to feeling like your old self!
Stubby xoxo
Hi Melissa & Emmitt! I will definitely give Pearly Poo a big hug from you guys. Isn't it great how everyone has rallied around her this week? She is such a great little girl and we are lucky to call her our friend.
Stubby xoxo
Heather & Walter - I just realized I put 'Heather & Emmitt' in my reply to you yesterday. Duh! I think I was just so flustered over my poor Pearly Poo and in a hurry to get out of dodge that I messed up. Sorry. Please forgive me.
Stubby xoxo
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