So much has been happening here at Casa Stubby. I can't believe that 2010 is almost over already. It seems like just yesterday I was wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and toasting the new year.
This picture was taken yesterday on the ride home from the doctor. I'm continuing my laser therapy on my elbows. I must have the strongest elbows in the state! I'm on a maintenance plan with the laser therapy which means I only have the treatment every four weeks.

I felt okay for a little while but then started having panting attacks and acting really crazy. Back to the doctor I went and the news wasn't good. The doctor told Mom that I have a brain lesion/tumor. Mom was devastated. All my strange behavior is because I have a monster in my head that makes me crazy. It doesn't hurt but it hurts Mom and Dad because there's nothing they can do about it.

I wish all of you a joyous holiday season! See you in 2011!
Stubby we know Santa paws will be visiting you soon leaving some very special loving treats behind. I don't do snow either...or rain! Stay warm Stubby.
Tuni and a snoring Sequoia
Hi Stubby Dude!
I'm so glad that you blogged to fill us in! Mom said she was starting to feel like a stalker always texting your mom to see how you are!!!
I think that monster in your head is probably a pretty nice guy as long as you keep him fed a lot of POPEYES! It certainly can't hurt to try!
We're sure that Santa Paws is going to be extra good to you this year because we know what a good boy you've been all year!
Merry Christmas Dude! Have your mom and dad give you some kisses on your cute snooter from all of us!
S-Dog (and peeps)
Stubby you are such a strong little kid. We know you are #1 on Sandy Paws list. We will always keep our paws crossed that the monster stays away from you
Not naughty, but nice,
Benny & Lily
Hi Stubby, Thank your Mommy for filling us in on your crazy times. I am confident it is a temporary setback and you will be back in the race soon.
Santa can replace my TOP spot on his list with you.
Love Noodles
Hi Stubby,
It is so great to see your beautiful face. I am so mad at that monster in your head. You tell him to leave you be or I will give him what for. I am glad you are enjoying your days. You are very lucky to have a Mom and Dad who love you so much. I hope you have a Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year. My Mom didn't send cards either. I am pretty disappointed in her. Take care Stubby.
Wilma, Brigitte and Sluggo
Stubby, you enjoy those days with your mom and dad. They love you so much. You take care of yourself.
Tallulah and Petunia
We are so happy to get an update and sooo upset to hear that you have a monster in your head. Our human has part of a monster left in her head. They took some of it out before we were born. She says that those monsters can be very moody but if you can deal with them without surgery the better. The surgery is very, very difficult.
We know you are in the best possible care; your Mom & Dad are the best. We hope you have a peaceful holiday season. If there is anything you need or that we can do do ,let us know.
Love, Zoey & Phoebe
Oh my Stubby
I am so happy to see your words!
Everyone has missed you so much, as you can see!
Stubby, we all had the best time on the moon with you,,,,
and best of all the monster could not scream in your ear when you were on the moon.
Yes, it is almost Christmas... and Santa Paws will be checking his list,, and your name will be right at the top.
Thank you for coming to talk to all of your friends,
Oh Stubby, I'm so glad you posted! I'm sorry you are being bothered by a monster, and I wish I could slay him for you. Just keep taking your medicine and your mom will make sure you feel good. I hope you have a very nice Christmas!
We must go to the moon again! It was fun, wasn't it?
Oh Stubby you look wonderful - even with that darn Monster in your head! We are glad your pawrents are taking such great care of you. We think of you every day!
Punchy's crew - M,C,Z,R,K
dearest michele and stubby
we love you with all of our hearts.
it makes us smile from ear to ear to see your beautiful smiling faces and hear your voice.
we think of you all the time and are here for you day or night.
emmitt is sending you mini meatloaves.
love you!
m & e
Stubby....we're glad you're having some good days.
You're still as handsome as ever!
Merry Christmas to you and your sweet parents.
Sarah, Hank and Molly
Hi Stubby!! We are sad to hear about the monster making you sick :( Our Christmas wish for you is for the monster to go away and for you to feel better!!
Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Hi Stubby!
Daisy and I hope you have a
super fun and sexy Christmas!
-Dana & Daisy
Stubby, You are such a cool guy and my mom and I want you to know that you and your family are in our prayers. Hope you feel beter soon. Love, Arlo.
Stubby, my Mom told me awhile back about the monster in your head. I'm so sorry that it's not better. I'm glad the Prednisone is working...but one of the side effects is panting attacks. Are you taking the Pepcid along with it and drinking lots of extra water? Have you tried supplementing with any of the holistic things my Mom told your Mom about? Or tried acupuncture? I sure wish you guys lived closer so that we could introduce you guys to some of our holistic remedy peeps.
I'm glad you're having a good Christmas break and enjoying visits from friends. I agree with Salinger...you should have as much popeyes as you want. And maybe your pawrents should take you on a southern vacay this winter... ;)
I'll be thinking of you Stubby...praying for a miraculous recovery!
You are such a dear little fellow! Wishing you the best, especially healthwise, for the New Year! We will keep in our prayers. Feel better soon! Sending hugs, kisses and belly rubs your way!
Happy New Year Stubby and family! Keeping you in my well puggy thoughts and prayers.
I love all of your pictures, you are such a handsome gent!
Michele and Gerry, I am so very sorry for your loss of Stubby, my heart aches for you.
He will continue to be that very special pug, bringing happiness to the lives of many by his memories.
I just learned of sweet Stubby's passing. My puggums and I were so looking forward to Stubby's next road trip and were crossing our paws that you would stop in and see us then. So many furiends are dying of late and its so sad for us that are left behind. We might have not met in person or pugson as my puggums would have me say, but that does not diminish the fact that we will miss Mr. Stubby and his adventures.
Much luvums to you the mama and daddy,
The Slimmer Puggums & mama Mindy
Came over from Pug Hugs (paula). I'm so sorry to hear about your little man, Stubby. So many have passed on to the Rainbow Bridge as of late. They give us their all ask for little in return and then leave us too soon. He know you adored him I have no doubt. Thinking of you and Stubby today and the days ahead.
We are so sorry to hear of Stubby's passing. Please know that you and your family are in our prayers and thoughts.
Roxy, Lucky & Mom
Oh Michelle and Gerry,
Please accept our deepest sympathy in the loss of sweet Stubby. Our hearts ache for you, knowing how much you loved that little man. You gave him the best life, and he never had a moment that he didn't't feel loved. We know he is watching over you now. You have your own angel in heaven now. We will never forget his sweet smile and gentle disposition. How wonderful to have the memories you made with him in your travels this summer. So lucky are those who actually met him. You have touched many lives by sharing Stubby with us. I hope you can find some comfort in the knowledge that so many keep you in their thoughts and prayers.
Wilma, Brigitte, Sluggo and their Mom Kathy
We are so sad to hear of your loss. We purrs for your comfort in your time of grief.
kovack the golden and i were visiting those elgin pugs blogs and read about your loss of stubby please even we never met you accept our condolences
hugs and licks
kovack and kristina
We are very sorry to hear of Stubby's crossing to the Rainbow Bridge. Our hearts go out to you because we know it sure isn't easy!
I'm so sorry to hear about your baby. I know Stubby had a wonderful life with you. I wish all the little "babies" could be with us forever!
Heard about Stubby from If I Didn't Have a Sense of Humor, just had to stop by and let you know our hearts are hurting for you. Oh, my, Stubby was so much a fantastic boy - and so much loved. It's obvious. Thoughts and prayers for you in your hard time...
We followed Stubby's adventures with glee and will miss his smile so much. You are in our thoughtsband prayers.
Love Noodles and her Mommys.
Dear Stubby's mom and dad: I sent this to Tweedles and wanted to share with you.
I lost a brother.
You never say goodbye, you only say, "until I see you again".
Stubby is free from the monster. Stubby is running free. We all want miracles, but the miracle is that Stubby is no longer in fear of the monster.
Some day, Stubby's parents hearts will be able to have another son or daughter and they will love him with all the love they wanted to give to Stubby after he left. And while no one will ever take Stubby's place, a new love will grow and help them heal.
You too will have another Stubby in your life and will learn to love someone again.
You are the keeper of the universe and know that all things living will die to be born again in another form.
I am so sorry you are in pain. This pain I know deeply. But it will lessen in time and allow your heart to love again just as hard.
Know that I am with you on your journey and my heart cries for your pain, but I am your friend and you will get through this just as Stubby's parents will get through this.
Stubby would only want you and his parents to love another as they/you loved him.
Never say goodbye. Say "I will see you again some day". You will be okay because you are loved.
I hope you will listen to my words and be helped through this time by them.
Please tell Stubby's mom and dad that we all love them and will help them and you through this awful time.
Be happy, my friend, for the life Stubby had with the wonderful love that he received and know that you are loved just as well.
My paws are around your neck right now. I sit beside you,
Stubby changed my life forever.
I know your heart is hurting. Mine is too.
Run free sweet Stubby
your tweedles
Somewhere up in heaven there's an angel frantically churning out Popeye's Chicken for its newest little angel.
Sending you love and hugs - HoneyBuzz
Our hearts are breaking for you. We are so very sorry for your loss.
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
We are so very sorry to hear of your sad loss of Stubby.
Our thoughts are with you at this sad time.
A new bright star in the sky tonight.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
I'm so sorry to hear that Stubby has left this world. I know your hearts are aching. I hope you will find solace in the memories you made together.
Stumpy and cyndi
We are so sorry to hear about sweet Stubby. We may have never met but we send you many hugs to you now.
Goodbye sweet Stubby. We are so sad
Benny & Lily
We are friends of Tweedles and felt a deep need to come here to tell you that we are so very sorry to learn of Stubby's passing. We are never prepared to lose someone we love - if we had 100 years, we would want another hour or another day. Please know that I send my sincere condolences.
You don't know us, but we knew and loved you, Stubby. We are so sorry you have gone from this world, but we are glad you won't have to suffer from the monster anymore. Run young and free, and keep an eye on those other puggies on the other side of the bridge for us, ok Stubby? And take it easy on the Popeye's, now that you've got an unlimited supply and all. ;)
Love, Klaus & Natty
We just learned of Stumpy's passing from Pearl's blog. We're so very sorry for your loss. Seems to us the beautiful tribute Stumpy wrote for Betty is also applicable to him. Stumpy is free and whole again and patiently waiting at the Bridge.
Jed & Abby
Hello. I heard abouts Stubby from my furend, Pearl. And I just wanted to come by and tell you how sorry I am that he had to go to the Bridge. But I can tell he had a most joyous life filled with lots of luv. I hope one day soon your tears will turn to smiles whenever you think of your darling boy.
Gentle wiggles & wags,
I just learned of Stubby's passing and wanted to stop by and offer condolences during this difficult time.
Stubby is in a peaceful place now where the monsters can't get him and he lived a glorious life full of love and bacon and Popeyes.
Warm regards,
Shannon (Molly in PA's mom)
There are no words that can fully express the Stubby had in all of lives and what a profound loss this is. Our hearts are breaking. The only comfort is that Stubby is no longer suffering. The day we spent at the beach with you is one of our fondest memories. Stubby put his sweet, indelible mark on our hearts. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always and especially during this most difficult time. If there is anything we can do, we are here.
Love, Zoey, Phoebe and our human Susie
I'm so sorry that Stubby went to the bridge. I had so much fun with Stubby when he visted California. I had never been to half moon bay before and most importantly had never had Popeyes before. We will meet again at the bridge. Your spotted friends Miley and Boka
I just came over from Puglet's blog and wanted to say what a pleasure it was to get to know Stubby. He was so very special and I can only imagine the depth of your sorrow. I send soft woofs and gentle licks to comfort you and help heal your broken hearts.
Lots of love, Ollie.
Just heard the sad news from Puglet.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope there is some comfort for you in knowing how much your dear little friend brightened the days of so many people who'd never met him in person.
You will be missed, Stubby.
Heard about Stubby's passing from my bloggin' furiend Puglet. My human and I loved reading about Stubby's adventures. Stubby was a super cool Pug. I know over the bridge he is happy and thinking fondly of his family and friends that he loved so much.
- pudgy pug Reggie
Dear Stubby's Family, we are friends of Tweedles, and I wanted to stop by and tell you how very very sorry I am about the loss of your precious boy. I know all too well the pain that is felt when you lose a such a treasured family member. I know how very much he is missed. And I know that no words that I can say can take away the pain you are feeling. But please know that as I sit here in my home in Virginia, I'm sending prayers in your direction to find comfort and peace. I know without a doubt that you will see Stubby again someday, and what a wonderful and beautiful day that will be.
You don't know me, but I heard about your loss of Stubby from The Daily Puglet. I'm so sorry. I'm sure you miss him so much. He reminds me of Jasmine, who was our 16 year old pug, that we lost almost 2 years ago. Today actually would've been her 18th birthday. I saw you live in Mundelein and my family lives in Buffalo Grove. If you want to honor Stubby by burying him, I know of a good pet cemetery in Vernon Hills. Maybe he can be buried near Jasmine.
Much love to you as you grieve the loss of your beloved pug.
We were so sorry to hear of Stubby's passing.Even though we never met, we felt he was a great teacher and freind.
Please know that you and your family are in our prayers and thoughts.
Spongy, Licky & Marcella
LOL! I really love the way you smile, it's makes me giggle, your so blessed with you beloved mom she loves you so much :)
Dog Shock Collar
You sure look pretty excited for winter to be here. You must really love the snow on the ground to run around and play in. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great day.
World of Animals
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