Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

I hope you have a great Easter!
I am not searching for eggs today (because Mom didn't hide any), but I'm having eggs for breakfast. After breakfast I am going out in search of the Easter Bunny and if I find him I will take a picture of him.
Wish me luck!


Salinger The Pug said...

OOOHHH!! I had eggys too! YUM!

So did you see this bunny character? He left me a cool basket of stuff and also left a trail of something gross outside on our front sidewalk. They looked strangely like Cocoa Puffs. What's up with that?

Hope you had a GREAT Easter, buddy!


Stubby said...

Salinger - I am sorry to report that I didn't see the bunny today, but he did leave the strange looking Cocoa Puffs things in the yard. They are delicious!
Stubby xoxo

Kelly said...

Stubby, I have been lookin' for that Bunny too! He accidentally forgot to come to my house and leave me a basket full of goodies!?

Stubby said...

Pearly Poo - That bad old bunny! How could he forget you? I'm sure he is being punished for not stopping by with some goodies. I'm sending special kisses to you today to make you feel better :)
Stubby xoxo

LydiaAndPugs said...

Cute Easter pug! Love the blog!


Stubby said...

Hey Lydia and Pugs - Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you like my Easter pug - he's almost as cute as me - and my blog. Stop by again to see what I am up to. Stubby xoxo